6 November 2001 transcript of the EMA interview for MTV

(F stands for Fletcher, M signifies Martin):Q: So gentlemen, first of all, congratulations for this wonderful tour you just finished. Yesterday was the last show. Um Did you have some kind of celebration or is it not over yet til
you played EMAs?
M: Yeah, I mean we still have got a few days to go, so...
F: Very, very emotional, you know, the last concert. Especially in Germany, in particular. The
crowd are fantastic. We've got these things to do-- It's really the end of the tour, but not the end of the tour.
Q: I've been to two concerts and I've seen things that reminded me more of a mass instead a rock concert. There were fans rolling out thank you banners and stuff like that and singing along and waving. And I dunno it's maybe my fifth or sixth tour I've seen from Depeche Mode and I have never seen such passionate shows from both sides. Do you think there's a special reason for that or is it just the tour of the tours so far.
M: I think because we tour so infrequently, the fans really appreciate it when we actually do go out and play. This time they've been absolutely amazing. Every concert has been fantastic. And we have the loyalest fans in the world. They play-- there throw parties every month all over the world where they only play our music. No other band gets that ha, ha, ha
Q: Been there done that.
M: ha, ha, ha
Q: It was so nice to see like you have people in the crowd maybe age eleven, twelve and you have, maybe not their grandparents but their parents and both they were crying.
F: It's a legacy, heh, heh, heh
M: There was one concert where somebody saw a grandmother coming and they thought-- or maybe they just brought their, you know, their grandson or something, but she went and bought the program ha, ha, ha
Q: Then, speaking about kids. One thing I heard in the past when you get the chance to get to see stars and go to shows, then your kids ask you for favor, to bring autographs. Now At MTV European Music Awards, Is there anybody that your kids would die to see?
F: My wife and my son... My son and my wife... my son... He overheard me say Shaggy. I wanna see Shaggy, I wanna see Shaggy. He's only six. So, I think he'd like to see Shaggy, yeah.
Q: Good for the start.
F: Yeah, heh, heh, heh
Q: Now, coming back to the Exciter Tour. I've heard that you wanna put it on DVD and Anton Corbijn is directing it. So when can we expect --- coming out.
F: It's coming out in March. We've recorded two concerts in Paris, the Bercy's fantastic stadium and it's going to be quite a unique package with --- it's not just the live concerts, it's songs done in the dressing room, taken things that's been happening, interviews and stills. So, it's going to be whole big things, so it's going to be --- a good package
Q: Now that you admit it that you don't come here and tour very frequently. Do we have to wait another say three four years? Hopefully not.
M: That's a really difficult one to answer, because we--- it takes us long time from us to make records. You know, we could go out and play next year. This tour has been so successful. People really want us to go out and play more, but I'm not sure if we will. And then maybe we have to make another record and then go on tour and that could be four years. We're not very
quick ha, ha, ha.
Q: That's fine.

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